Crop Circles: Alien Activity or Human Hoax?

For several decades crop circles have been appearing and presumed to be a silent work of Aliens. The beauty, intricacy and sacred geometry in the designs is unquestionably fabulous. They often include mandalas or art that inspires meditation and insights into the universal fractals of creation of all there is. Could they be gateways to otherworldly portals or dimensions?

Beautiful Mystical Art For Meditation, Contemplations, and Third Eye Interdimensional Gateway

Crop circle researchers and media news have been fascinating the public and causing quite a stir and new age hype around themselves as a mystery or unexplained phenomenon for quite some time. Therefore, it comes as a rather huge dampener for most UFO enthusiasts and spiritual seekers that humans with wooden planks and ropes have claimed to be the secret behind these exquisite works of divine art and claim that you can do it by yourself too if you go out and try with a length of rope and wooden planks to create rotational symmetry as explained in this Nuffield Foundation document.

Here are a few interesting patterns to expand your consciousness (courtesy Crop Circles Vectors by Vecteezy).

One group called the Circlemakers have come forward and claimed they create massive crop circles. They also have proven their mettle a few times on BBC and other news. As a matter of fact they accept new recruits via their website too.

They also take up commercial advertising campaigns such as this one.

It has been speculated that government might have hired these teams to cover up alleged UFO phenomenon by creating a parallel human made crop circle evidence to reduce focus on the true mystery of alien crop circles, as firmly as they cover up Area 51, and other alien phenomenon according to conspiracy theories the world over.

However true evidence of Aliens or any other mysterious creators from higher dimensions has been negligible, except for a video on flying orbs which is a bit strange.

British ‘circle makers’ claim to create crop circles rotationally, preferably around Wiltshire or Avebury, thereby leaving us with no way to disprove that other crop circles attributed to aliens, are not man made. Has the Matrix got us this time in a loop with a massive ‘cover up’ operation funded by the military?

Circles in crops are not all to this amazing large scale fractal art. Sand and desert based geometric patterns such as the massive Oregon Shri Yantra (a Hindu or Vedic symbol of the universal goddess energy of abundance or expansiveness), have led to noteworthy speculations regarding Aliens in the past.

Oregon Shri Yantra Demystified

Later a man named Witherpoon claimed he made it with three friends and his ten year old son, who went on to create an even larger design of East meets Native mysticism with precision in a well planned way to demonstrate he was the artist behind the original Oregon yantra.

UFO-logists and alien enthusiasts are not entirely convinced that humans were the original creators of crop circles, and prefer to believe that other advanced civilisations are indeed giving us huge signs on earth. Yet a few interesting designs of amazing geometrical precisions have been made by humans time and again. A short video below has a manmade sand circle creation footage which is very detailed and exact in geometry.

What do you think? Are crop circles and land art mandalas, rare natural occurrences appearing of their own accord, miraculous spiritual messages from other dimensions of higher consciousness crafted via telepathic energy, laser beam created high technology etchings, remnants of various spaceship landings, ET or alien art as a way of saying ‘hello!’, or merely a hoax made by humans with ropes and planks having a field trip overnight when no-one was likely to record them?

If they indeed are human made as demonstrated several times as likely to be replicable through human hands and feet, then does this mean our favourite alien theories may be getting weaker than before and a Fermi Paradox seems more likely? What remains a most valid question is that if we are indeed in an infinite and expanding universe, then where are ‘they’? Or, could it be that we indeed are in a Matrix like simulation?

Please let me know what you think? Email me on or comment below to add to this fascinating discussion, or if you wish, contribute more such topics or articles to WWW.EARTHHEALINGNETWORK.COM.

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