Were Stone Henge and Circles Neolithic Slaughterhouses? Part 2

Did you know that the tradition of stone henge tombs and megalithic constructions is found even today in certain tribal communities such as Indonesian Sumba and Indian Maram, to answer some questions of how and why the construction of stone circle megaliths was undertaken? New scientific evidence not only confirms pig slaughter but also demonstrates use of animals and pig grease for transporting stones over sledges at Stonehenge.

GOING FRUGAL: How to Minimise Shopping and Increase Abundance

Since childhood we remember how television and media have programmed us into mindless consumerism, shopping, ugly cosmetics, perfumes, travel, wristwatches, restaurants, rich clothing, funrniture, a sexual and hedonistic lifestyle, all a materialism based Satanic system that initiated us into a false sense of 'abundance, joyfulness and prosperity mindset'. Well it is time to break the mould.

Veganism Coronaviruses and Other Human Diseases: Part 4 Dangers of Dairy

Dairy industry has recently been contaminated with none other than the Covid-19 strain of coronaviruses leading to deaths and infections. Research as far back as 2013 had detected coronaviruses in dairy products and found that processing of several cheese, yogurts and dairy products could not eliminate rota virus and corona virus. However covid-19 is not the only risk. Research typifies that dairy products are frequently carriers of dangerous diseases such as leukemia (cancer) virus that can affect human cells and cause various cancers such as breast cancer

Veganism vs. Coronaviruses and Other Human Diseases: Part 3

Did you know the first evidence of coronaviruses was found in chickens? Plenty of medical research evidence demonstrates how animal farming is linked with several deadly diseases, however mental and neurological diseases such as Prione disease, Alzheimers, Parkinsons as well as age related issues and Autism are also indicated.

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