Are You Seeking Truth in a World Crafted With Lies?

What if we are in a digital reality simulation matrix in which people around might actually be AI instead of real humans (not natural organic human monkeys)?

If we are in a digital simulation its indications are likely to include the following:

1. Mind creates a reality show or VR that appears physical but is energy or mind projection largely. Even trees, bodies of animals, celestial bodies, atomic and subatomic particles, clouds, continents, all are fractal code generations replicable with digital tech, given the right resources. This means we might already be in a simulation designed by a highly advanced AI.

2. Thoughts manifest out as if its a dream world not a physical world although appears solid (*magickal reality of vibrations) albeit a highly controlled one (unlike your other dreams at night from which you can easily wake up). You think it’s great to manifest reality as if you are Gods or Goddesses, witches, wizards, powerful ones, or divine heroes but in reality you are just in a dream and unable to wake up. The Fool of Tarot cards really. Time to stop self worship and find truth?

3. People around seem more like dumb bots following masses or a program codes to do robotic meaningless jobs, sell useless items that harm earth, eat strange foods including gory body parts, have unhygienic sexual relations exchanging germs and secretions, and reproduce unnecessarily to cause even more stress to innocent crying babies forced to be born and to live in such a world…surrounded by substandard humans with absolutely no interest in truth or nature of reality and personal liberation. How do we live like this? It’s traumatic.

4. A few major religions actively prevent truthseeking building fear and love of external entities or God beings to impose authority and dominate the world with their extremely strange and ridiculous beliefs in killing others violently, stoning to death, hitting wives, blood rituals, etc…perfectly accepted as respectable!!! How come the majority of humans follow such nonsense?

5. Science actively prevents discovery of paranormal or Magic by being outdated and materialistic in-spite of evidence and calls witnesses of anything metaphysical, medically lunatic or delusional instead of actually researching into the phenomenon of mediumship, telepathy, clairsentience, clairvoyance, telekinesis, manifesting reality with mind or meditation, etc. People who are best described as ignorant or ‘muggles’ ridiculing the enlightened or even experts. How has this been allowed to happen?

6. Government, medical doctors and school systems seem to have perpetrated a big lie that humans are Omnivores biologically when it’s obvious we are frugivore apes or primates as per biology.
… Am I the only one who finds this quite disturbing?
Why is no-one challenging the government? Not even most vegans or huge vegan charities with millions of followers and money?

7. Do not forget Mandela Effect is evidence enough, moving kidneys and heart for example, dates changing of world events, brand identities changing, literature and media changing… ..that everything we know about history, science, politics, media, celebrities, economy… everything infact, is a lie. Whom do we trust because who is real?

So where do you stand? Are you just looking for coffee ☕️ or yummy food, or sexual relationships. Or are you a truthseeker?

Write to me in comments or email me your evidence on for sending me articles to be published on my blog.

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