Why are most Humans Non Vegan? Top 12 Reasons Debunked

More in the Free Book FREE Book: Shamelessly Arguing With Vegans by Swati Prakash

Billions of people living out their lives unperturbed. But why?

1. They sincerely believe we are Omnivores because this is what they learnt in schools – a lie, instead of the truth that we are biological frugivores. We are in no way evolved from lions, tigers, wolves or dogs. We are from apes and from ape-men who were primarily frugivore and then somewhere lost their fundamental nature due to ignorance. Our teeth, digestive system and instincts are nowhere predatory or top of the food chain.

2. They have been brainwashed that eating animals, eggs, honey and dairy are very crucial for the body, for growth of children, for adults to be strong with muscles, bones, and so on. Heme-iron is ok, vitamin D sources are eggs or oily fish, Omega 3 is in cod liver, and B12 is in beef and other such myths are even now being spread by government agencies or medical systems, NHS, British conventional medicine, and all over the internet. This is a huge mistake since the beginning because we know that all nutrients are easy to obtain from plants directly, after all we can clearly see elephants being so strong eating only plants. Even originally plant based cultures of non violence and meditation are lured into non vegetarianism for thinking that we need to eat animals or at least have a plethora of dairy products to make up for the ‘lost nutrients’. There are no missing nutrients in plant based diets, confirmed by the very same British system of Nutrition experts.

3. They truly believe that humans are generally good, therefore governments decide what is best for us, everyone is here to be kind, no animal is being hurt without reason or abused in most places. They truly trust the system and society with an open and innocent heart. So naturally ‘slaughter’ is a necessary evil but done with a kind heart to stun animal and make them completely unconscious so that they feel nothing. Yet, stunning itself is injurious and painful both physically and emotionally, leave alone murder.

5. A big reason. Role models. They believe their parents were good people who loved them and if they were not vegan, and still good people, why not themselves? These parents were also misguided by their education system and family to be non vegans and this chain has continued on like a bug in the program of the Matrix that keeps travelling from host to host. Most people being trapped in a cycle of ignorance and deep sleep in the Matrix.

6. Social celebrities, businesspersons, successful gurus, fashion queens, all are usually non vegan and if vegan they are not famous because they are vegan, they just also happen to be vegan in a few cases or go back and forth on it. So they base their lifestyle in imitation of their favourite stars from media, glamour, culture, and sports where veganism is marginalised. Vegan leaders and activists are very few and not in any way mainstream as compared to the others.

7. Their friends are not vegan and they love hanging out with them and get so much love and affection by them, or by significant others who love them regardless of their diet and lifestyle choices and ethics towards ‘animals’. When all your social needs are met, you are rewarded, appreciated, loved, going out on dates and enjoying life with mates and friends, why would you care about a thing. People become thoughtless, carefree, and mindless for most of their life, as hedonism is the norm. ‘Each one for their own’, they say and look away.

8. They think we are humans, a social animal, but other animals are still called ‘ANIMALS’ a separate category. Animal Rights therefore remain distinct from Human Rights. This is a very big flaw even in the vegan and animal rights movements. ‘Animal Lover’, Vegan for the Animals’, ‘Animals First’. When you think Animals are different from Humans, you are deluded and speciesistic. Humans are only one specie of animals and the term Animal includes Human species within its gambit. There should be no separate or special Human rights, just as there should not be any separate or special white only rights, or any other racial exclusive rights. Animal Rights should be enough to cover humans and all other species. But it is ingrained in the minds of most human animals that their kind is their entire priority.

9. We have no socialisation with the victim animals, as they live elsewhere, exist only in the prisons and cells where they are tortured and electrocuted, gas chambered, hung upside down and poked with knives, in bloodshed that is never in the forefront of any day to day conversation or media news, but repressed, a silent crime, funded by government using taxpayer’s money. A crime that the consumer sponsors.

10. It is Economy. If humans are abused it is a problem for the economy. But abuse of other animals, farm animals is not only big business but a rich and powerful industry that controls most of the land on earth and causes climate change. Dairy chocolates in shiny wrappers with loud advertisements that are ‘memorable’, or shampoos that are non vegan but make your hair smooth and perfumed, are all over the place. We also find not only Non Vegans but also those who identify as Vegans working in care homes, buying non vegan sausages and serving them to old people or in advertising agencies promoting dairy ice-cream, in movies, music videos, modelling for animal products, in research companies, in data management, IT jobs for non vegan industrialists, in non vegan social media ad centres, in press and PR, in television, in trade fairs, distribution or retail chains, supermarkets, shops, and restaurants. An entire system funded by the consumers who are non vegan and dominate the capital market. Their taxes by way of VAT and corporate taxation fuel the government. They are respected as valuable citizens.

11. It is lawful. ‘Not against the law and therefore not a bad thing,’ is a common misconception that we hold since childhood. We think police are nice and will catch the bad guys just like in movies. We think we can rely on judges to punish criminals. Doctor or GP is always right and follow his or her prescription. We believe our local governments will intervene in case any harm is there. But we are all good people who are fools. We are not victims of terrorism and human rights injustices today, and so we have faith in our lawful nations, whose laws are completely outdated when it comes to animal products.

12. Taste, smell, temptation or addiction and lack of empathy. Call it cognitive dissonance, being slave of habits, denial of truth, trying to justify and rationalise what you have always done, brainwashing, or anything else. It is after-all the same thing – Lack of Empathy. What sort of a human being prefers taste over ethics, or cannot resist the smell of Bacon or the texture of Cheese, instead of managing their mind, controlling their gluttony, and adjusting their habits because they know that to kill, abuse, rape, or control other sentient beings is wrong? A psychopath, narcissist, sociopath, an abuser, most definitely. But yet, they are proud of it, because of one reason and one reason alone. They are rewarded with money, jobs, friendships, and a whole support system of a society based on domination, power and control over the rest of nature, a human demon world.

What do you think are the main reasons non vegans are prevalent in society? Please share in comments.

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