Meditation: The Way to our True Self

A lot of people ask me what type of meditation to practice...which technique to follow. Somehow various 'techniques' of meditation have been branded all around by various meditation gurus. Those are merely induction techniques for trance. Not meditation itself. Some people would say 'meditate on this' this and confuse meditation with contemplation or focus techniques.... Continue Reading →

Hope for Little African ‘Witches’..and the TRUTH about Witchcraft

Many of you might be aware that in many countries, especially in Africa, women as well as kids have been branded ‘witches’ and abused or killed due to the misconception that they can curse or harm. This little boy of barely two years old for example was found roaming hungry and naked for eight months!... Continue Reading →

Five Great Reasons to Go Vegan!

Latest scientific research has confirmed that going vegan can benefit all of us and our planet significantly, saving millions of lives. While you can read the full report HERE we bring you some of the core reasons why a vegan diet is a more positive one: Love Yourself: Being positive begins with being good to our-self.... Continue Reading →

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