The Wise Spiritual Roots of Ahimsa in Hinduism

Hindu religion is a deep spiritual philosophy and not a religion of ritualism alone. This is why a true Hindu would always be Conscientious, Ethical, Vegan and focus on manifesting an Awakened world.

According to Hindu philosophy, this world is a dreamworld or the Matrix, where consciousness is creating and enjoying reality crafted through the many delusions of the mind. There are three main aspects of the Self that are honourable and sacred or Divine. These are both male and female and not just a masculine Lord.

Hindu Trinity (Three Aspects of the One Multidimensional Self) or The Three Wise Men/ Women

Brahma/ Saraswati (Creator)
Aham Brahmasmi, is a realisation that we create our own reality as Brahma (the creator who is within). By going within in meditation, through knowledge, Saraswati or stream of consciousness) channelled through mindfulness we can realise who we are. We start seeing how reality is generated through our mind and changes with our thought processes magically.

Vishnu/ Laxmi (Dreamer)
Vishnu is the name given to the dreamer of the Matrix or Samsara, a world which is illusion. He or She takes several forms or Avatars with focus on ethics and with magical powers to destroy evil and keep the dream healthy and positive. Krishna was noted as the most recent Avatar (incarnate manifestation) of our One Higher Self. His core teaching is of Karma (Right Action), with Ahimsa or Non violent behaviour being a basic component of Sattvik (truth based) lifestyle, beliefs, and yoga as the key to Dharma (religion as a sense of moral behaviour) in order to deliver us from evil.

Shiva/ Shakti (Awakener)
Shiva is the awakened form of the higher Self or Divine who is omnipresent as our consciousness that shapes our universe through Energy or Shakti, and can destroy the dreamworld and help us in awakening. He brings down the sacred river Ganga (purifier of sins) to cleanse the evil of ignorance and demolish sinful behaviour and protect others from poisons of evil while remaining unharmed due to highest levels of consciousness.

But while we live in a dreamworld there is tremendous suffering and stress here, especially to the weak, exploited, and vulnerable beings on earth, and earth is Laxmi, the spirit of beings who are reaching out to God or Goddess for help.

But where is He or She?

In a Dream, where is the dreamer?

It is believed that Vishnu takes many forms in every age, including several Earthly forms of animals such as fish, tortoise, boar and human, to save Earth, from Demons or Asuras who are interested in exploitation, immorality, and abuse of the earth and bring about catastrophe, destruction, violence and abuse.

There are four main ages of Reality

The Four Yugas Cycle

*Satya-yug or the Age of Truth where majority of humans are good, ruling over and controlling evil.

*Treta-Yug, the time period when three quarters are good but the rest evil.

*Dwapar-yug when half is good and half evil.

*Kali-yug, with majority being evil as prophesied by Krishna who would like to reappear as Kaalki who ends the Kali-yug (dark age of untruth or unconsciousness in the Matrix), where we exist now.

Who is Kali, of Kali yug? It is not goddess Maha Kali. It is a dark demon Kali who is pictured with a sword and tongue out, keen on Slaughter and destruction of poor and innocent beings and causing all forms of global diseases, epidemics, violence, climate change, greed, corruption, and end of the world.

The main cause of all this is Animal Farming which occupies over 80 percent of global farmland, giving majority of crops to farmed animals who are bred to be abused and killed unnecessarily to deliver only 18 percent of our calories and causing poverty, hunger, land shortage, food shortage, draughts, floods, tornadoes, apocalypse, water shortage, greenhouse emissions, deforestation of millions of trees daily, and tremendous unnecessarily cruelty and suffering.

While Hindus are generally against cruelty and slaughter, and avoid meat or eggs, some do not care, but yet most temples avoid animal meat and dairy (except for those who conduct violent sacrifices which are usually banned and opposed by the majority).

I would like to discuss why it is necessary to also avoid Dairy in temples and in daily life, besides other animal products such as animal meat, chicken, fish, eggs, honey, leather, animal skin drums, wool, silk and other forms of abuse such as horse riding, elephant chaining, bull festival, use of animals in cosmetics, personal care products, cleaning products, medical science, entertainment or sports.

1) Ahimsa versus Himsa/ Hinsa

Please note in the past we were not aware of Dairy cruelty. It is not Ahmisa to use Dairy. Dairy is Hinsa. Hinsa means Violence or Abuse.

Dairy abuses cows and goats, buffaloes, yak, other Dairy cattle by forcing them to be impregnated via artificial insemination in a graphic way. It then abuses babies by denying them milk, keeping them away and in most cases killing them on birth or a few weeks after feeding them soya while greedily taking away milk meant for baby and giving them to humans who do NOT need it.

2. Satvik versus Tamasic

Only infants need milk and that too from own mum. Please note Dairy is Tamsic based on ignorance and greed. Tamas means ignorance. It is against the teachings of Krishna.

3. Dharma versus Dharma

Dairy is Adharma not Dharma. Adharma means immorality or lack of righteous conduct, while Dharma is moral behaviour, with a sense of duty.
It is against Hindu values or Sanatan Dharma (our eternal duty) to be cruel and partake in violence.

4. Cow Care versus Cow Slaughter

After a very shortened life span due to diseases, exploitation and milking, mastitis infections and huge udders caused by greedy Dairy industry that cripples them, cows give up and die or are lined in slaughterhouses to walk to their cruel graphic murder for beef and leather industries which is an offshoot of Dairy. What sort of a Hindu could tolerate cow slaughter, you would think? Sadly some Hindus latch on to Dairy, averse to any new ideology by being stuck to old habits inspite of being advised about the horrific cruelty of Dairy industry. Even in the best of farms such as high welfare organic free range farms or Iskcon farms, it is impossible to continue consuming dairy by billions of humans as there is no place to breed and house so many cattle, and they are invariably abandoned, sold, transported, and slaughtered.

5. Unscientific and Unnatural

When we humans are natural frugivores from apes and no specie of animals ever consumes milk from another species, why do we exploit, harm and control the life of poor cows and other cattle unnecessarily for something non essential? It is unscientific and unspiritual as well as unmistakably cruel to use or promote Dairy.

6. Purity versus Unhygenic Bodily Secretion

Not only that Dairy is terribly unhygenic, after all it is a body fluid and secretion made of the blood and fluid of the mother’s body, with urinary and fecal contamination, and often laced with antibiotics due to which we get antibiotic resistance. It contains animal hormones as well as the stress in the animal releases toxins into the product of severe abuse and a life of sorrow. The vitamin b12 in animal products comes from supplements given to or injected into animals when we can get all nutrients easily from plant based sources.

7. Disease Healing versus Disease Causing

Most humans are Dairy intolerant and also we all regardless of sensitivities, do suffer Diabetes due to it and Heart diseases, Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Depression, Varicose veins, Asthma, Autism and several diseases that are reduced by elimination of Dairy.

8. God’s Will versus UnGodly Behaviour

Do you think that if there really is a God, Goddess or Higher Consciousness, they are interested in humans worshipping idols in temples over and above the pain and trauma of the billions of poor victims who are heartbroken and tortured in slaughterhouses due to Dairy, Animal Meat and other Animal Products and Farming?

There is no good in a society made just for human ego, human prosperity and human entertainment, if thousands of animals of other species are standing in slaughter line every second.

Infact those promoting Dairy, Animal Meat, Eggs, Honey, Leather, Wool, and anything involving Forced Impregnation and Slaughter are Asura or Evil Demonic entities and inhuman, not Godly and certainly not Devotees of Ram, Krishna, Kalki or Maa.

9. The Solid Action to be Taken

Kindly ban Dairy from your rituals, lifestyle, and discourses and teach truth. Kindly watch leading documentaries such as Dairy is Scary, The Land of Ahimsa, Maa Ka Doodh and Unholy Cattle of India free on YouTube as urgently as possible.

Kindly be sensitive to ethics, health needs, and different dietary requirements and intolerances and promote Veganism as a basic foundation of Ahimsa.

10. Plant Based Alternatives

When every alternative is present in the form of plant based milk, tofu paneer, plant based curd, plant based cheese, plant based cream, and they taste the same, there is no justification of not using them instead of Dairy.

11. Sensitivity to Vegan Community Members

Sadly, some Hindus deliberately add Ghee, instead of plant based oil, Dairy instead of plant based milk or plant based cream or plant based yogurt in food, even after being requested to use plant based substitutes. They seem to show no empathy, or respect for Vegan diets, sensitivity to Vegan members or Vegan values and any interest in adherence to principles of Non Violence.

12. Sensitivity to Emotions

You would expect all humans to be highly emotional and alarmed at hearing about violence and cruelty of Dairy but they seem to take no interest and do not respect the person giving them vital knowledge, and the immense suffering of the animals killed and abused for them. This is hurtful to those of us who are sensitive and emotionally sound. It is normal to feel upset about abuse and violence. It is not normal to ignore it, or condone it, and partake in it.

13. Respect to Activists and Educators
Many humans seem unable to pay any attention especially if the person educating them is an unknown person, not rich or famous, not a person from a high office in society or if activists are females, as some humans seem to only respect male gurus and swamis dressed in turbans and robes, quoting scriptures.

14. Respect Depth of Philosophy
Many Hindus in kali-yug seem to be interested in rituals, taste, pleasure, religious old fashioned rites, decorating and worshipping of idols, prayers to idols, socialising with and pleasing human society members, catering to their ego, and on their cultural pride. Even in satsanga the focus is on humans being blissful and connected to Imaginary Visualised Forms (artistic impressions) of various gods or Goddesses rather than in actual behaviour and values of everyday life. This needs to change. Hindu cosmology is a deep realisation that our mind is a creator and we can definitely cultivate good habits to replace untruths, Delusions and Grandeur and be established in kindness, virtuous behaviour and generosity towards all beings, not just human beings. When we worship forms of Divine as earth Goddess, Hanuman or monkey God, Ganesh or elephant god, fish, tortoise, boar and human avatars as equal, then Hinduism can never be a speciesism based philosophy. It needs to be based on the soul of universe and not just human faces and human greed or gluttony.

Kindly do not wait for a mythological God from outside to pull you out of the Matrix or awaken the world. Realize the truth by yourself and 🙏 take immediate action right now by yourself by watching and sharing the below videos and this article as widely as possible.

The Land of Ahimsa
Maa Ka Doodh (Mother’s Milk)
Short Video: Unholy Cattle of India

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