Unplug Yourself From the Matrix Through 7 Chakras

The seven chakra system is a visualisation of our energy centres in the matrix. The seven major chakras along with minor chakras associated with them, blueprint our lower dimensional physical or lower matrix body. The transmission of this energy of simulation occurs through various glands, organs and areas of our temporal physical body. We may visualise the energy passing through them as electro-magnetic vibrations or radiations that can be altered purely at will to effect healing, wellness and joy as well as to attract situations and realities. My previous article explains how to energise the chakras to enjoy a better life experience.

But what about those of us who wish to leave the matrix and transcend? For Awakening and Ascension we are interested in a higher and more truthful reality instead of the controlled simulation our mind is engrossed within and attempting to break free from. This is not for you if you are interested in simply healing the simulation and remaining in the Matrix. This is for you who wish to detach from the lower planes of Simulation and ground themselves into a higher plane of truth consciousness.

Root Chakra: This is believed to be the root and base center or ‘muladhara’ chakra of grounding at the base of our spine extending the cord connecting us to earth from the bottom of our hips, excretory system and tailbone through the feet and deep into earth through the ancestral and earth chakras below these fairy feet. Just like a tree is held on by its roots into soil, we are told to be grounded in the present dimension through this primary chakra. This chakra represents both our fears and need for safety, simply because noone feels comfortable being uprooted. Ascension is not for those who give in to such fears. We need to be aware of being in a tremendous deception of hyper-reality in this light show.

Practicing detachment from the following – excessive materialism, reducing our greedy intake of material objects, unnecessary shopping, needless monetary transactions, working for money alone, desire for earthly riches instead of protecting earth – all can go a long way in helping us unplug from this simulation from the ground up by letting go fo all fears of discomfort. KEYWORD FOR ASCENSION: FEARLESSNESS

Sacral Chakra: Assumed to be situated directly above the root center is our sexual or sacral center or ‘swadhishthana’ of creative power within the pelvic region and linked to the gonads or reproductive organs. Our sensual engagement in this matrix is deepened through this chakra even as we speak, smell, hear, taste, feel, smell, see and visualise with all our senses. We receive and give out energy in the form of touch, sensual pleasure, delicious food, aromas, pleasant sounds, bells, chimes, all tranquilisers to keep us asleep in this semi-dream state.

Practicing detachment from the following – all sensual temptations, sexual lust for relationships, over indulgence in entertainment, excessive desires, prioritising taste or cravings of variety over ethics (non veganism), alchohol, wining, dining, luxury tourism, all temptations, lures and hallucinations – is necessary in order to unplug from this reality show. KEYWORD FOR ASCENSION: DETACHMENT

Solar Chakra: Directly above the sacral center is the imaginary ego or power center called ‘manipura’ of within the solar plexus and linked to digestive system. Our agreement or contract upon earth or in this simulation matrix is manifested through our ego self who believes in holding on to our individuality, personality, story, memory, mental awareness of who we are currently, where we live, what we do in this world, how we are seen by others, false social image, sense of entitlement, dependence on approvals. All this may be sheer make-believe through data sent into our head by the matrix.

We need to detach from the following – hunger for more and more food or data, thirst for praise or approvals, collecting unnecessary information, gathering excessive degrees, stress of looking good and proving one’s worth to others, status and glamour, abuse of power, corruption and control, in order to unplug from the simulation. KEYWORD FOR ASCENSION: DISENCHANTMENT

Heart Chakra: Directly above the solar chakra is supposed to be our heart centre ‘Anhata’ of emotional strength. This chakra is affected by recieving and sending energy of love, kindness, and blocked due to lack of love or unkindness from others and to others. In reality the others exist only in the mind, they are not real, and they are casually disinterested in your emotions as at times. It is our ego that clings on to people around us, if they are merely part of a simulation and ‘pretending’ to love us in a ‘Truman Show’.

Detach from the following – emotional bondage, acceptance of others who are harmful, sympathising with evil, being hurt by others, letting others abuse you or others, condoning abuse, being drained by drainer programs or people, emotional folly, being told to believe in false spiritual concepts, blind faith in love, false fantasy, absorbing emotional trauma given from others, depression or sorrow due to accepting simulation as truth. KEYWORD FOR ASCENSION: FREEDOM

Throat Chakra: Directly above the heart center is visualised a communication center or Vishuddi of clear expression. Most people do not speak from the heart and therefore energy is not flowing from heart into throat center for ascension. They are programs or illusion and their speech is entirely artificial coming from other area than from within. They manufacture false ways of speaking and pretend to be listening by nodding the head, talking out of ego or artificial languages, flattery, diplomacy and well designed facial expressions. This makes it clear that we are being fooled or deceived in a simulation where people are not truthful. Insincerity and lies are all around us in the matrix. People also speak what you ‘think’ as your mind is ‘making it all up’ in an AI simulation program. Of course this means ‘my mind’ right now as I write this because all those who respond are likely to be mental projections for me in my simulation of this story.

Detach from the following – interactions with unnecessary people, gossip, chatting, social media tensions, writing too much, over explanations, media and videos, information technology and gadgets overusage – all to be best kept to a minimum or avoided. KEYWORD FOR ASCENSION: SILENCE

Third Eye Chakra: Pre-supposed to be in middle of forehead is the focal point of insight called Agya of command. Our reality is projected through this inner vision. We are simulating our life experiences though our unconscious, subconscious and conscious energy based on the mind and what it senses, think, dreams up as reality. The important thing is to awaken into truth instead of living in constant illusion. It is good to be conscious creators of lucid dream or fanstasy but even better to wake up. It is of course disastrous to lose consciousness and let reality control you through commandments created by other people for making you believe they are in control. They are demonic beings whose purpose is to let you remain sleeping and unconscious by taking away your power.

Detach from the following – unwanted influence from others or influence upon life of others, psychic attacks, negative thoughtforms, evil religious scriptures, hypocrisy in spiritual and psychic circles. KEYWORD FOR ASCENSION: PEACE

Crown Chakra: Manifest above the head as a crown called Sahasrara is a compendium of information connecting us to the universe of simulation. Behold your personal wifi router that sends and receives energy from all around town, city, country, planet, galaxy and returns all the way back to you. Your false belief that the universe is working for you in your favour is absolutely true because it is an illusion. In reality the true universe is not the one your perceive, you are in a hologram or virtual reality show as the star. You believe you are saving the world with superpowers even as you are plugged in to the system and dreaming it all up.

Detach and unplug from the following: Belief in ascended masters of Luciferian world matrix, worshipping imaginary divine mother or father or beings in heaven, imagining you are a God or Goddess or Ultimate Creator, God Theory, belief that God or truth is in everyone and everywhere (Omni) and in you because illusion is everywhere around us and working through us in this low plane of demonic realm filled with slaughterhouses, which is unnatural. You can only know the Truth by your own Self Awakening instead of through second hand God theories or media.

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